Cum stabileste justitia germana vinovatia in cazul accidentelor rutiere

Un vehicul care circula pe un drum cu prioritate, in localitate, dar a carui viteza de deplasare este mai mare decat limita admisa (50 km/h) se loveste de un alt vehicul care patrunde pe drumul cu prioritate de pe o strada unde avea obligatia sa cedeze trecerea (vezi semnul de circulatie).

Spre deosebire de Codul Rutier Roman unde accentul este pus pe stabilirea vinovatiei in producerea unui accident, Legea circulatiei rutiere din Germania se bazeaza pe impartirea responsabilitatii in trafic. Cu alte cuvinte, analizand circumstantele, in cele mai dese cazuri raspunderea pentru producerea unui accident rutier este una comuna soferilor implicati dar si autoritatilor publice care nu s-au achitat corect de obligatiile ce le reveneau in amenajarea/intretinerea strazilor.

Cum credeti ca a fost impartita raspunderea pentru accident in acest caz de catre justitia germana? Solutionarea cazului , precum si a altora de acest fel, poate fi gasita in volumul “Raspunderea in accidentele rutiere”.

Tribunalul Heilbronn . În principal, accidentul a fost provocat de soferul vehicului obligat să aştepte (1) aşa încât lui îi revine, in mod preponderent, vinovăţia producerii accidentului ( in proportie de75%). Totusi, pe baza dovezii ca şoferul cu prioritate (2) a depasit viteza legala, contravenţia de neacordare a priorităţii nu mai capătă o pondere atât de mare încât să conducă la o neglijare totală a unei răspunderi a vehiculului (2). Raspunderea acestuia pentru pagubele produse va fi in proportie de 25%.

Cartea “Raspunderea in accidentele rutiere” o puteti achizitiona de aici.

19 Responses to Cum stabileste justitia germana vinovatia in cazul accidentelor rutiere

  1. Radu says:

    Cum a fost stabilita viteza vehiculului no. 2, pe ce baza?

  2. Dan says:

    E mai complicat de atat, important e sa te duci repede la un avocat specializat in accidente rutiere, chiar daca esti vinovat, va gasi el portite sa scada din procentul tau de vina 🙂 … stiu eu un avocat bun, chiar langa tribunalul din Heilbronn 😀

  3. dc++ says:

    Genul asta de analiza nu e chiar asa de mare dovada de intelepciune.
    Fiindca a depasi viteza legala inseamna a avea, cazul Romaniei, in localitate (de obicei), 51 de km/ora.
    Ori daca merg cu 51, 53, 58, dar vine un disperat care avea CEDEAZA TRECEREA si ma buseste cu 100 la ora imi distruge complet masina, si ma poate si omori.
    In acest caz, de ce sa fiu vinovat 25/%?
    Daca in loc de 51 aveam 50 era acelasi lucru.

    Se poate si un caz particular: sa zicem un drum care face o curba, drumul e cu prioritate, iar in laterale se intersecteaza cu un drum pe care este cedeaza trecerea. Cel care are cedeaza trecerea, firesc, nu poate sa vada decat pana la curba. Asa incat poate sa se asigure perfect, sa intre pe drumul prioritar, dar daca exact in acel moment apare un vehicul care circula cu 120 pe ora nu are cum sa ii dea prioritate.
    Este in imposibilitatea de a-l vedea.
    (Pt Bucuresteni – acest caz este pe strada Ceahlau, chiar cu intre dinspre Podul Grand, la prima curba. Te uiti, te asiguri, iesi in strada Ceahlau de pe una laterala si apar masini cu viteza. Nu ai cum sa le vezi dincolo de curba). Deci fiecare caz treuie luat in parte, e foarte complicat.

    Nu tot ce e in vest e bine, lucrile sunt nuantate.

    (Dan, sofer profesionist)

  4. Zodrac says:

    Se poate determina foarte usor daca autoturimul circula cu o viteza mult mai mare decat cea legala pe baza analizei urmelor de frinare, a deformarilor si a dinamicii accicentelor. In aceste estimari apar si marje de eroare, dar daca in loc de 50km/m ar fi mers cu 80km/h diferentele intre nivelul pabulelor sunt foarte vizibile.

    • Dan says:

      e vorba de impact lateral, nici nu apuci sa pui frana 🙂 … iar daca mergeai cu 60km/h in loc de 50km/h, e imposibil de demonstrat. Apar destul de des probleme din cauza impartirii vinei, eu am avut noroc, pana acum de fiecare data si-au recunoscut ceilalti vina, dar stiu cazuri care se plimba prin tribunale.

    • vveninosu says:

      urme de franare? esti militian?
      arata-mi urme de franare ale unei masini dotate cu ABS….

  5. miticosul says:

    @dc++ – estimarile alea au si ele o marja de eroare – si cred ca cu 51km/h te incadrezi in ea. 🙂 Si avand in vedere ca vorbim de Germania – unde ei au curaj sa-si lase soferii sa zburde pe autostrazi – cred ca au experienta mai mare decat noi in `stapanirea` soferilor, nu? 🙂

  6. a says:

    Te anunt ca si in Romania e la fel *in principiu*. Doar ca, daca nu s-a intamplat nimic grav, nu sta nimeni sa vada cu ce viteza meargeai si cel ce avea cedeaza trecerea e scos vinovat. Dar daca e cu buba mai mare, se face expertiza tehnica si se verifica.

    Similar daca lovesti un pieton care circula neregulamentar si tu aveai viteza prea mare. Sau daca esti baut si faci un accident care nu ar fi din vina ta, se pune ca e vina partajata.

  7. […] Spre deosebire de Codul Rutier Roman unde accentul este pus pe stabilirea vinovatiei in producerea unui accident, Legea circulatiei rutiere din Germania se bazeaza pe impartirea responsabilitatii in trafic. Cu alte cuvinte, analizand circumstantele, in cele mai dese cazuri raspunderea pentru producerea unui accident rutier este una comuna soferilor implicati dar si autoritatilor publice care nu s-au achitat corect de obligatiile ce le reveneau in amenajarea strazilor, scrie Dana Dobre pe blogul ei. […]

  8. sandiro says:

    Capra germanului e mai breaza ?

  9. Alex One says:

    Practic nu e nicio diferenta.In Ro judecatorul aplica soferului 2 o pedeapsa mai redusa, proportional cu cota de vinovatie a soferului 1. Mai interesant ar fi fost daca ne spuneai ce pateste in Germania autoritatea care nu a luat masurile referitoare la intretinerea strazii.

  10. tvf says:

    Diferenta e enorma. In Ro, nici politistul, nici judecatorul nu sunt interesati de viteza pe care ai avut-o ci de faptul ca tu aveai prioritate si celalalt nu. Din acest moment lucrurile sunt clare: unul e vinovat (total)iar celalalt e curat ca lacrima, chiar daca a intrat in intersectie cu 200km /ora

  11. […] nu s-au achitat corect de obligatiile ce le reveneau in amenajarea strazilor, scrie Dana Dobre pe blogul ei.By Yaab No tags for this […]

  12. bdiaconu says:

    Mai tine si de:

    1. Politia la noi este incompetenta (altfel, ar trebui sa curga amenzi pentru soferi, pentru Administratia Strazilor si a Drumurilor).

    2. Soferi care:
    2.0 Nu sesizeaza autoritatilor problemele intalnite in trafic
    2.1 NU cunosc codul rutier (oare cati stiu cum se face virajul la stanga)
    2.2 Nu le respecta

  13. […] nu s-au achitat corect de obligatiile ce le reveneau in amenajarea strazilor, scrie Dana Dobre pe blogul ei.By Yaab No tags for this […]

  14. […] nu s-au achitat corect de obligatiile ce le reveneau in amenajarea strazilor, scrie Dana Dobre pe blogul ei. Alte anunturi:Diferente intre Romania si Germania. Cum se stabileste vina in cazul accidentelor […]

    ROAD TEARS – ROMANIA 21.11.2010.
    On this occasion we commemorated in Bucharest the over 62,000 victims who died in road traffic crashes over the past 20 years.
    Personally I am the victim of a serious road traffic accident, which left me disabled in clutches for the past 13 years, and I came to know tens of grieving and mourning families, and therefore I became involved civically and publicly, organising some public activities to support them for the first time in Romania. I drew the attention of state institution to the large number of „manslaughter” crimes, as well as the fact that the „road assassins” are favoured by the coruption phenomenon (as in my case), as well as by the permissive legislation whereby the authors of road crashes are sentenced by suspension, which means to..freedom!
    One representative example proving that the life of victims is worthless to the judges and that the guilty ones are „legally” favoured is that in 2009, out of 318 „road assassins”, only 33 were sentenced to serve in prison, the rest received symbolic sentences by suspension.
    The project maintains that, unfortunately, in Romania there is no „REAL ROAD TRAFFIC JUSTICE”, as would be the case in the European Union, whose member Romania is, as in EU the guilty are effectively convicted.
    Initially, the project which started as early as 2001 was aimed to protest against the abuses committed in the act of justice over the thousands of victims of the road traffic „genocyde”, in which thousands of innocent people die and other thousands are left disabled, leading to unfair criminal trials, but when I learned, in shock, that approximately 3000 PEOPLE die yearly in Romania, we decided to commemorate these victims yearly by naming the project „ROAD TEARS”.
    The project of a victim of a road crash, who also became the victim of an unfair legal trial, in which I came to know the phenomenon of corruption, but also abuse and crimes in the act of justice over 13 years of nightmare, is appreciated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vasile Blaga, as well as by the former Head of EU Delegation Jonathan Scheele (UK) and many others and in 2006 project „ROAD TERAS” was granted the Special Award.
    At a European level, the project is known and appreciated by various high profile personalities such as the President of the European CommissionManuel Barroso, and by participating in 2009 in the NGO Road Safety World Conference at the invitation of WHO which took place in Brussels on May 7-8, project „ROAD TEARS” became known to more institutions, organisations and specialized associations well known throughout the world. On this occasion we signed the Appeal and Final Declaration of participating NGOs, the project being the only one to be invited from Romania.
    Project „ROAD TEARS”, initiated as original civic and public involvement anticipated by 6 years the Government Ordinance no. 864/01.08.2007 which officially establishes the commemoration of road traffic victims in Romania, as well. In the first years of running this project I was supported morally by the late Prof. Marcel Haegi, President of FEVR- European Federation of Road Traffic Victims, and afterwards by the current President, Mrs. Brigitte Chaudry.
    And recently, on the occasion of partipating in Romania at the International Forum for Road Safety, President of PRI – La Prevention Routiere Internationalle, Mr. Joop Goos, in appreciation of „ROADTERAS” project, agreed that the initiator of the project should become a PRI member.
    The offsprings of the deceased are unhappy with the way the authors of road crashes are treated, as well as by the inhuman treatment they, as offsprings of the deceased, receive in the act of justice, and the constant delay of trials.
    Project „ROAD TEARS” which advocates for severe and efficient measures to reduce „the road traffic genocyde” and setting Road Safety as national priority, considering that thousands of PEOPLE are killed annually, among whom very many children and young people, is not liked and supported by the specialized state institutions, also due to the critical atitude from the lack of road traffic infrastructure, of education, of road traffic civility, of the presence of corruption, from granting drivers licences to providing a solution to road tragedies in justice. We are glad to see that, as compared to 2009, the number of road traffic deaths in Romania began to decline. The crucial role, in addition to the mesures which were taken yearly by the specialised state institutions, was held by … the economic crisis, which reduced the intensity of road traffic through consequences which were documented statistically.
    On Sunday, November 21 2010, with the support of Road Traffic Police Department, we commemorated the over 62000 of people who died between 1990-2000, on the occasion of WORLD REMEMBRANCE DAY FOR ROAD TRAFFIC VICTIMS, we offered flyers and lit candles and brought flowers and shed, from our grieving hearts, a „roadtear” in the memory of those who are gone.

    Best regards,
    Cornelia Galavan

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